Located on Di Lido Island this contemporary residence features a lush native autocourt garden that provides privacy along the front of the property. The entry garden is made up of a variety of textures and colors that provide interest and help to reinforce the subtle change of seasons in the substropical climate.
Miami Beach,FL
Strang Architecture
Flowering Heliconia soften the front of the architecture. A planter runs along the second level featuring native vines + tropicals and creating a unique view from the interior.
780 NE 69th Street | Suite 200
Miami, FL 33138
[email protected]
O: 786.536.2961
M: 305.979.1585
Copyright © Christopher Cawley Landscape Architecture LLC | 2024
FLORIDA LC 26000460
Fan palm has a trunk that almost always grows underground. Thin stems grow from the underground trunk and have a wide, singular frond on top. It grows to be 5-10 feet tall and puts out showy white flowers during spring and early summer. It produces 2 clusters of flowers at a time.